A Portable & Lightweight GPU: The StartStick 20Ah

The StartStick 20 has become an imperative piece of equipment for our operation. Having a StartStick for every start provides us with clean, consistent power that is easy to manage resulting in cooler and quicker starts. The StartStick 20 is the ultimate GPU for our operation for many reasons. Before we get into it, you should know that by using our link you receive $250 off and a free soft-sided Yeti M12 cooler. We also receive a small commission on your purchase and we really appreciate your support.

Most importantly, because we can monitor the battery level of the StartStick, we know when we go to plug it into the airplane it is powered and ready to start safely. With our previous start cart, there was no easy way to monitor the power. We would plug it in after every start to a maintainer, but often old worn-out batteries were the ones to end up on the start cart. We even had a battery explode on us on a start. When you’re working with a $300,000 engine (and this is the low end of the spectrum for turbine engines), it is not worth the risk. With the StartStick we can easily monitor the power level of the StartStick and when it’s not adequately charged, it will read “No Start.” We love having the LED screen on the StartStick so we can always see what our level of charge is and it takes away any guesswork. We can get 3-4 starts on one charge of the StartStick and it comes with a charger that plugs into any outlet in your shop. 

The portability of the StartStick is huge for us and many operations like us. We have a home base, but we also operate off of two other airports within an 80-mile radius of us. Now with the portability of the StartStick, we have peace of mind knowing that we can either a) bring the SS along in the baggage compartment or b) easily have the fully charged SS with us in the pickup. Either way, if we have to shut down for some reason at a satellite strip, we won’t be stranded. 

Speaking of having an emergency GPU, we know that we are speaking to ways that we use the StartStick in ag aviation but there are many applications across the aviation world as a whole where the StartStick can be useful. Overall, having a portable GPU on board is a layer of stress you can remove from your operations. The size and weight of the StartStick 20 is what makes the StartStick stand out from the rest. The unit only weighs around 20 pounds and measures 24 × 12 × 10 in. 

Please follow this link to read all of the statistics of the StartStick 20Ah GPU and be sure to watch the below video to learn more.

We can’t stress enough that having the StartStick 20 has made our daily operations easier, more efficient, and less worrisome. We know it’s an investment but hot starting a turbine engine would be a costly mistake and for us, knowing that we have clean and consistent power to help with cooler, quicker starts is worth the investment. 

If you have any questions about StartStick and or ways that having a StartStick will benefit your operation, don’t hesitate to reach out to us or customer support at StartStick. They have built the StartStick from the ground up and know every intricacy of the unit. We are lucky to be partnered with StartStick and they’ve graciously decided to let us earn a percentage for every StartStick unit we sell. If you’re interested in purchasing one, our link will give you $250 off of the unit plus a free Yeti Soft-Sided M12 cooler and we earn a small percentage on the sale. We really appreciate the support and we want you to know that we are only working with companies/products that we wholeheartedly believe in and use in our own day-to-day operations. 


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