How We Run Our Business Efficiently with Agopti
Learn all about the efficiency of the business and how we use Agopti to our advantage.

Why we love DropFlight pattern testing kit and app for our ag aviation operation.

We Bought a Business!
We bought our own spray business in North Dakota! We are scared, but also very excited.

Flying One of the First Ag Planes Ever Built - The Snow S-2A
A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we got to experience one of the first ag planes ever built. Tyson flew a 1959 Snow S2-A, one of the first ever built ag-specific planes.

Does That Airplane Fly Itself?
A FAQ that we get asked often, it’s time that people understand the precision and tech that goes into Ag Aviation.

Crop Duster Classroom
From spraying conditions to tools Ag Pilots use, learn about aspects you may not have known to even exist!

Do You Want to be an Ag Pilot?
Some common questions answered when you’re just starting down the path of becoming an Ag Pilot.